by Michael Adam Lengyel

Storyboard Sketches of Chapter 4

Chapter 4 storyboards! Not much of a drastic change in the development of the story compared to the previous chapter. But one thing that’s worth noting is this was when I began to make a secondary form of storyboards specifically for page layouts. This was to help me get an overall idea of how to shape the frames for the pages and see which scene to fill in. At this point, I learned how important it was for me to plan out the pacing of each page by the narrative’s flow and page count for the printed version.

For instance, if I wanted a surprise twist, I had to make sure it was on a page number that would be turned over in printed form and not already exposed on the other end while reading. I realized this approach too late in chapter 3 when Hawk revealed he can see Kali’s tail. Also, I had to keep the page numbers in mind because a printed volume needs a divisible by four overall. So this was to help me track the number of pages I was drawing per chapter.

This was still in the early stages of my approach to planning so it’s quite rough. But eventually, I began to plan ahead better in terms of page layout rather than strictly drawing scenes out alone. And the two methods somewhat coincide with practice. It’s all about learning and growing in the end.

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